How often do you hear your good voice versus the negative one?

Second scenario: “I don’t need the job, I’m relaxed.”

Time passes by, the voice is quiet, but in the back of your mind, you can hear: “what if it doesn’t go well?”

You have the interview, it goes well but you’re not satisfied, you think it could have been better. You encourage yourself: ”It’s fine, there’s always a next time!”

How often do you hear your good voice versus the negative one?

1.      Way less, right?

Maybe because you want more from yourself, you’re never satisfied, or you’re being too harsh on yourself.

2.      Or maybe you’re being too forgiving with yourself and the voice doesn’t “show up” that much.


Let’s analyze both situations.

“Yes, my voice really bugs me, especially when I want to achieve something. The more I try and fail, the more aggressive the voice becomes. I’m my worst critic, I tell myself that I’m useless, can’t achieve anything in life, why do I even bother?” And the list goes on. Does this sound familiar?

You are not alone! It’s really important to know this, whenever you feel like the voice becomes too strong, write your thoughts on a piece of paper, or even better, call a friend and tell him/her about it. It matters a lot to let things out. The more you keep your negative thoughts inside, the more they will eat you alive. Counteract it with positive thoughts.

“Oh, yea amazing advice, didn’t think about that. Thanks!”

I know right?

On a more serious note, if you hear the negative voice for a long period of time, I’d say one month, talk to a specialist. Don’t let things go from bad to worse. I strongly believe that it’s important to address issues when they occur. If you ignore the problem, it won’t go away. Find a solution, your mental health matters, especially if you’re young. The habits that you adopt in your youth, are a good predictor on how the rest of your life is going to be. 
