Becoming conscious of your actions and feelings is an extremely useful skill to master for life

Becoming conscious of your actions and feelings is an extremely useful skill to master for life

Slowly but surely, I took over my mind. Now… it bugs me from time to time, but I can get rid of the inner voice pretty fast. I taught it to push me, which is really useful at times, when things aren’t that great. It’s my own coach/trainer/ psychologist. Do more, achieve more, succeed more – That’s what it usually says.

Does this sound weird?

It probably does for a lot of people but, my aim was never to be “normal”. People who achieve greatness aren’t considered “normal” by the society’s norms.

“Are you saying you’re great?”
Not yet, I’m working on it!

It's amazing how strong the human mind is, once you teach it to do something, it can be extremely helpful or destructive. That’s entirely up to you.


There will be times in life when you might hear two voices and you won’t know which one to listen to. The choice that your mind will make, will depend entirely on what you give it. Feed it positive things and it will reward you, feed it negative thoughts and it’s going to destroy you.

Be aware of what you’re dealing with, you’re telling yourself and how you’re behaving in different situations. Becoming conscious of your actions and feelings, is an extremely useful skill to master for life. It’s something that you can practice, especially, when you find yourself in a difficult situation. After you go through that thing, you can analyze what/how/why it happened, how/why did you react the way that you did? What would you have done differently if you were mentally stronger?

I know I said overanalyzing can lead to not taking action, BUT if you do it the right way – as in you, know when to stop – and draw an useful conclusion from it, then I think it’s definitely worth doing. That’s how you can become better.

Use the inner voice to your advantage, don’t allow it to take over. Push yourself, learn, grow and become the master of your mind.
