What do you love to do?

This week, we’ll talk about how can you find meaning at work, from an employee’s point of view.

Let’s start from the beginning. I’ll assume you don’t have any work experience because you didn’t get your first job, yet. Where do you start from?

Well… who wouldn’t like to do what they love and get paid for that?

What if you don’t know what you love to do, yet?

It’s fine, we can explore this situation.

What did you want to become when you were younger?

What did you enjoy doing?

Maybe you like to listen to people and solve problems, then a psychologist might be your calling. There has to be something which you enjoy doing that you can equate to a job. Answering these questions might be a good starting point to decide what career path to follow.

If you still don’t have a clear answer, try some jobs, see what happens. If you like them fine, if not, that’s ok as well. Trying out new things in life will teach you some valuable lessons. We don’t always get to do what we love, things aren’t always great, challenges will arise and have to be overcome. Every obstacle is a valuable lesson; most importantly something is an obstacle only if you see it as one. Most of the times we create our own problems, that’s why it’s really important to be conscious about what’s happening and act accordingly, in a logical and rational manner.

“What does all this have to do with me not having a job?”

Most likely, you won’t get the job of your dreams first try. You will have to do it anyways. That’s how you’re going to become disciplined and do what you’re supposed to do even if you’re not feeling it. I strongly believe that even when we’re doing something that we don’t enjoy, we can still learn something. We can learn to think positively and see the glass half full; this will teach us how to be more optimistic and it’s going to be a valuable quality during our lives.
