Take care of your people and they will take care of you!

Take care of your people and they will take care of you! 

Maybe that indeed was the case, that the HR hired the people.

“What I do now?”

As a boss nothing, some people can tolerate this kind of person for a certain amount of time.

“Are you saying that I should change? Why shouldn’t my employees change? They work for me.

This will surprise you, but most of the times the boss is the problem.

“No way, I’m not the problem.”

Are you sure? Do you know what your employees say behind your back?

“Good things, they respect me.”

Ok… sure. How many problems were reported last week? How about last month?

“Where are you going with this?”

Problems usually arise because people don’t care enough to do things or to find a solution. Why don’t they care?

Because they weren’t taught how to solve problems and/or you didn’t give them a reason to do so. Their lack of respect for you, led to these situations. This will surprise you… It’s your fault – yes, yours!


“I still don’t understand how’s that my problem. They work so they should fix problems, easy as that.”

Sure, if you hire robots, that’s going to happen. People are different, they need to be taken care of and led. You can’t just boss them around. See what I did there?

If you don’t care about your team, you will encounter A LOT of problems. The productivity will drop even more, the respect they had for you, will go out the window and the business will suffer.

 “What are you talking about, my people are doing just fine.”

Are you 100% sure? Do you know their kids’ names?

“Uh… uh…. Why would I care?

Why would they care about your business?

“Because I gave them a job.”

That doesn’t mean they should care.

“How do I make them to care?”

You can’t. If you don’t care, they won’t care. It’s that simple.

Are you willing to sacrifice your sanity and business just because you want to be a certain type of boss?
