My journey of improving will never be done; that’s why it’s a journey and not a destination.

My journey of improving will never be done; that’s why it’s a journey and not a destination.

Not all people want to learn, grow and become better, most people are happ… nope, not the right word, complacent with their situation. They don’t want to change themselves or their circumstances; they enjoy complaining.

The answers for the question: “Why do you complain instead of doing something about it?” are mostly: “What can I do about it?/I can’t do anything/I don’t want to do anything, etc”. 
It’s not that they can’t do something about the situation, it’s that they don’t want to. They got so used to that environment, that a change is out of the question.
Usually, if someone is complaining, they want sympathy or validation for their actions/situation. When people complain about the same thing, it forms a bond between them. What’s worse is that, most of the time, they keep each other stuck in those bad scenarios. 
I’m not saying don’t complain, if that’s your way of letting things out, but find a way out! Don’t be stuck in a bad situation. Complaining without any action, never helps.

On the other hand, I do understand, I used to be a person who complained and didn’t want to improve. I knew that I was enough BUT I was very wrong.

“When did you realize you weren’t good enough?”

You know that sometimes… we need life to smack us in the face to see that. For me, a breakup was a big part of it, but also the fact that I didn’t have solutions for some people, which really pissed me off. I hated not knowing what to do. I had to  become better; it was a really hard journey and I wouldn’t change a thing. The struggle was 100% worth it. The person that I became today, is someone who can handle problems and people in a fitter way. My journey of improving isn’t done, I’ve got still a long way to go. It will never be done; that’s why it’s a journey and not a destination.
