How can I find what's meaningful for me?

How can I find what's meaningful for me?

Most people have at least an activity that they do outside work to release stress. This works short-term but tomorrow you’ll be back to that job. How much longer are you going to do this for?

Yes, I know, the job market is really messed up right now but that doesn’t mean you can’t look for a job and create a better future for yourself. 

We started talking about finding meaning in a job. Well…. If you’re stressed out and you don’t like what you’re doing or the people you’re working with, there’s no way you’re going to find meaning in that workplace.

“What do I do then and how will I know what’s meaningful for me?”

I heard this somewhere, don’t remember where but it stuck with me, it said something along the lines of… if you do a thing and you lose track of time, then you love doing it. That’s your meaning/purpose/love. 

I’m asking you, what is that you do that captivates you so much and you would love to spend hours doing it? 

I know what you might be thinking but I’m not talking about that. At least not this time. I’m talking about your purpose in life, that thing that makes you feel alive and is meaingful to you.

“I wish I could be doing what I love, but that doesn’t pay the bills.”

Heard this many times, even though it might be the case sometimes, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a change and find a way to do what you love. Maybe you didn’t discover that yet because you are stuck in the monotony, wake up – work – home – tv – sleep, repeat. Don't give up, find a way!

In an ideal scenario, your job would be the perfect fit. You would be very passionate about it and find a way to use your skills and values to do it better. Every little task, no matter how tedious it might be, it would get done. You would get your sense of satisfaction from making a difference, helping a colleague achieve his/her objective and being appreciated by those around you. What’s better than expressing and growing through meaningful work?
