Do you want to make a change or be the average 9 to 5 Joe?

 Do you want to make a change or be the average 9 to 5 Joe?

You don’t have to have a rank in an organization to be a leader. I heard some people say that a leader isn’t a true leader if he doesn’t have followers. I don’t agree with that. You can be your own leader, keep yourself accountable, push yourself and get things done. By doing this, you will become disciplined and could inspire other people to do the same.

 You can make a change no matter what title you have. Let’s talk this “rank” thing. A title in a company is just a name for a position made up by people for people. At the core, we’re all the same, made out of atoms. Now, the things that differentiate us, are our lives and the lessons that we’ve learned, our personalities, the way we behave, the way that we treat ourselves and other people.

If you’re a CEO and you treat people like they’re nothing, then what does that say about your character?

Everyone deserves respect.


If your boss isn’t a leader, you must become the leader that you wish you had. You need to inspire and take care of your team. We talked more about this last week.

 “Why should I do it? It’s his business.”

Because you work with those people and you can help them grow and improve. Also, it’s a really good exercise for your own business, if you decide to open one. By helping people around you become better, you improve as well. Don’t be that person who says “It’s not my job/why should I bother?”

“Why not?”

Because that’s just ignorant, nobody likes those people.

“I’m fine with people not liking me.”

Sure, keep lying to yourself. We all need external validation to a certain degree, even if we’re conscious about it, or not.

 Don’t you wish to have a purpose for going to work?

Your purpose can be helping others and guess what?

You’re going to get an amazing feeling and there will always be people whom you can help.
