Do you enjoy your current job?

Do you enjoy your current job?

Why don’t you, what’s missing?

Is it because of the colleagues, boss, or maybe it’s because of you?

If it’s because of you, would you admit it though?

Let’s say you already have a job that you don’t enjoy, that’s probably the case. What if there’s an aspect of it that you didn’t explore? What if you could find meaning in what you’re doing. Wouldn’t that be great? 

It might be the case that you didn’t become the right person for that job, or maybe your current role isn’t what you’re best at. Maybe your colleagues/boss annoy you and don’t offer any support. This is where a good leader would come in and make sure his/her team works together for a common goal and have whatever they need to achieve that goal. We’ll talk about this next week.

Another option working for someone isn’t your cup of tea and then you could start a side-hustle and after that takes off, you could quit. It takes a lot of effort to grow a business, but you could stay stuck and hope for things to get better or you could take a step towards something that you’d love to do and make a living at the same time.

Whatever the case might be, make sure you did your best, so that you won’t have any regrets. If you actually worked to get along with your colleagues/boss and had genuine interest to help the company but things didn’t work out, it’s fine. 

“How can you say it’s fine, I have a family to take care of or/and a credit to pay?”

Listen… nobody said life consists of easy decisions. I heard this argument way too much, people don’t want to make a change because X or Y, they rather stay stuck in a toxic environment instead of taking a risk. I get it, most people like to be comfortable and change might be scary.

You have one life. Do you rather spend it doing something that you, probably accept because you have too – that’s what you think – with people that you tolerate OR make an effort to find a job that you’d enjoy with people that you’d like?
